Saturday, August 30, 2008

Operation Freakout

Scientologists will tell you that L. Ron Hubbard's "fair game policy" was cancelled in 1968. If that is true, then that cancellation hasn't stopped Scientologists from continuing illegal attacks on their critics.

Operation PC Freakout, was a Church of Scientology (CoS) covert black op intended to have the author Paulette Cooper imprisoned or committed to a mental institution. The plan, undertaken in 1976 following years of Church-initiated lawsuits and covert harassment, was meant to eliminate the perceived threat that Cooper posed to the Church and obtain revenge for her publication in 1971 of a highly critical book, The Scandal of Scientology. The FBI discovered documentary proof of the CoS's illegal attacks and the preceding campaign of harassment during their own investigation into the Church of Scientology in 1977.

You can read Paulette Cooper's book that caused the CoS to freak out,
online here -- The Scandal of Scientology --

You can read Paulette's personal version of Operation Freakout as she experienced it,
online here -- "The Inside Account of the Story That Almost Killed Me" --

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